Full Armor Prayer for the Family of Addicts
Prayer to
Put On
Full Armor of God
Inspirational Video at the bottom of the Page.
Also see our Prayers for Families with addicts
Ephesians 6:11 NKJV
Put on
the whole armor of God,
that you may be able
to stand
the wiles of the devil.
One of the
to successfully handling
family addiction battles
is to
God's Armor!
Each day,
we need to get dressed
in God's Armor.
Power Prayer
Full Armor Prayer
for the
Family of Addicts
Heavenly Father,
Ephesians 6:11 tells me to put on your Armor
in order to be
I will follow your Word today and put on your Armor.
I put on the Helmet of Salvation.
Thank you, Lord, for the gift of
And thank you that you want to
save me
from many of the problems
that come from having an addict in my family.
I will seek to listen more carefully as you lead me away from the traps that this addiction can bring.
I will put on my Helmet of Salvation each day, and I will follow you.
I put on the Belt of Truth.
Thank you, Lord, for exposing the lies that I have been believing that were allowing discouragement to drag me down.
Thank you for my Bible
which proclaims life-blessing Truths
that will bring me
I need
to move from a defeated attitude to a victorious one.
I will put on the Belt of Truth each day and read your Word.
I put on the Breastplate of Righteousness.
Thank you, Father God, that Jesus died so that I can have the righteousness of Christ.
And thank you for leading me toward right choices.
Thank you for helping me to triumph over the darkness that this addiction brings into my family.
I will put on your Breastplate of Righteousness each day.
I put on the Shoes of Peace.
Thank you, Lord, that you want to lead me toward more peace and steadiness as I move through my day.
Thank you that you want to
draw my mind toward thoughts of peace and calmness
in the midst
of any storm that this addiction brings.
I will put on my Shoes of Peace each day.
I pick up the Shield of Faith
to defeat the fiery darts of the devil.
Thank you, Lord, that my faith is growing stronger every day.
Thank you, Lord, for helping me
to increase my faith
through reading your Word
through prayers and uplifting music.
You created me
to be a Champion for Christ.
I will rise up and walk in my destiny.
I will pick up my Shield of Faith each day.
I pick up the Sword of the Spirit
which is the
Word of God.
Thank you, Lord, for all the encouragement you placed in your Word.
Thank you that you want to raise me above negative feelings and negative circumstances. You want to teach me to walk in Freedom and POWER.
I will pick up my Sword of the Spirit and read it each day.
In Romans 8:37,
you tell me
you created me to be
MORE than a conqueror through Christ Jesus.
So, I will rise up and become a
Mighty Follower of Jesus Christ!
I will be a
Faithfully Focused Follower of Jesus Christ!
I will live in
more and more
I daily...
love you and obey you!
I pray these things
in the
Life-Transforming name of Jesus,
Copyright © 2024 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com
See John 14:23
God's Armor!
Disclaimer - I know nothing about the movies that these scenes are taken from.
When putting on my armor...
I actually act like the pieces are visible and tangible.
I act out putting them on.
Click for ALL our other Full Armor Prayer links.
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Prayer for the Family of Addicts
Prayer for the Family of Addicts was presented October 2024.
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