Prayer for Selling a House

Protection Prayer


Selling a House


We have prayer:

* For an unmarried person selling a house


* For a married couple


* Prayer to pray for a friend or friends
who are selling their house.


* Bible verses

Protection Prayer

for a unmarried person

who is selling a house.

Dear Lord,

I come before you to acknowledge
you are
Rock of Safety
High Tower of Protection.

Help me as I go through the process
selling my house. 

Guide me each day.

Whisper to me what I need to do
I move through this process.

Order my steps.

Abundantly pour out
to me
your wisdom and protection. 

Give me clear thinking.
Remind me of things that I need to remember.

Nudge me if I start to go against your will.

Remind me not to make decisions
solely based on
from the buyers or from my real estate agent.

Let me know what my list price should be and
what price you want me to settle on
my home's selling price. 

Show me how to add more peace to this process.

Protect me and give me great help
as I
look over paperwork - especially a sales contract. 
Protect me
from potential problems.
Whisper to me anything in the paperwork
that needs
to be
added, subtracted, or adjusted.

Give me protection from forgetfulness 
and natural human mistakes. 

I ask these things
in the
Mighty Name of Jesus

Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of

Prayer for selling a house

written for a married couple

Dear Lord,

We come before you to acknowledge that 
you are our

Rock of Safety
and our
High Tower of Protection.

Help us as we go through the process of
selling our house. 

Guide us each day.

As we move through this process,
whisper to us what we need to do.
Help us to order our steps.

Abundantly pour out to us
your wisdom and protection. 

Give us clear thinking.
Remind us of anything we need to remember.

Nudge us if we start to go against your will.

                      Let us know what our list price
                                         should be.

Let us know what price
you want us to settle on
for our home's selling price. 

Show us how to keep harmony in our marriage
as we make each decision
and as we face frustrations and weariness.

Remind us not to make decisions solely based on
from the buyers or from our real estate agent.

Protect us and guide us
as we look over paperwork - especially
a sales contract. 
Protect us from potential problems.
Whisper to us anything in the paperwork
that needs to be
added, subtracted, or adjusted.

Give us protection from forgetfulness
and natural human mistakes. 

We ask these things
in the
Mighty Name of Jesus

Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of

Prayer for my Friends

who are selling their house

Please adapt this prayer

if it is for an unmarried friend.

Dear Lord,

Bless my friends as they sell their house.

You alone are their 
Rock of Safety
and their
High Tower of Protection.

Help my friends as they go through the process of 
selling their house. 

Guide them each day.

As they move through this process,
whisper to them what they need to do.
Order their steps.

Let them know what the listing price should be
and the price you want them to settle on
for their home's selling price.

Protect them and give them great help
as they look over paperwork -
especially the sales contract. 
Whisper to them wisdom about anything in the paperwork
that needs to be
added, subtracted, or adjusted.

Abundantly pour out to them
your wisdom and protection. 

Give them clear thinking.
Remind them of anything they need to remember.

Nudge them if they start to go against your will

Give them steadiness
when they feel
from the buyers or from their real estate agent.

           Give them protection from forgetfulness
                          and natural human mistakes. 

Show them how to add more peace to this process.

I ask these things
in the
Mighty Name of Jesus

Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of

Bible Verses

Proverbs 4:6 says:

Don’t turn your back on wisdom,
for she will protect you.
    Love her, and she will guard you.

 Getting wisdom
is the
wisest thing you can do!
    And whatever else you do,
develop good judgment.

 If you prize wisdom,
she will make you great.
    Embrace her, and she will honor you.

Proverbs 4:6-8 NLT

But let all who take refuge in you [God] rejoice;
    let them sing joyful praises forever.
Spread your protection over them,
    that all who love your name
may be filled with joy.

Psalm 5:11 NLT

God says:

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
    Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
    I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

Isaiah 41:10 NLT

God is our refuge and strength,

always ready to help in times of trouble.

Psalm 46:1 NLT

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Protection Prayer for Selling a House

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