Inspirational Thoughts
to bless your life.
From Beth
Posted April 1, 2024
This page is on the Bible book Habakkuk.
It is a message for
those who are concerned
as they watch the world
pulling away from God.
I will be highlighting the United States.
I think this page will be useful for whatever country you live in.
The following happened on
Good Friday morning 2024.
I picked up my Bible and felt drawn to Habakkuk.
I thought it was odd that I was drawn to Habakkuk.
It had been a long time
since I had read Habakkuk.
As I read the first 4 verses,
I knew that God had drawn me here.
God had heard my cries
he was giving me answers.
For years,
I had been crying out to God
my country falling apart and my country's people
moving away from God.
I have been grieving that
very few sermons
are about
reminding us to turn from sin
become more obedient to God and his Word.
All too often
are focused
the "exciting miracles" of the Bible
how we can see supernatural things too!
Many Christians
have gotten distracted, and they haven't even noticed
the trajectory our country is headed.
Day after day,
I see
violence increase, justice ignored, wisdom rejected, and
failure to enforce good rules and laws
elected officials
propose & pass & enforce ungodly rules and laws.
My country is going bankrupt
both financially and morally.
Habakkuk writes of such things...
Habakkuk 1:2-4 NASB
Habakkuk prayed...
How long, Lord, have I called for help,
And You do not hear?
I cry out to You, “Violence!”
Yet You do not save.
3 Why do You make me see disaster,
And make me look at destitution?
Yes, devastation and violence are before me;
Strife exists and contention arises.
4 Therefore the Law is ignored,
And justice is never upheld.
For the wicked surround the righteous;
Therefore justice comes out confused.
If you are familiar with this website,
you know that
I pray daily for the unsaved and the backslidden.
I have lots of prayers for them on this site.
And NOTE that:
I realize that
my country will repent and turn back to God,
God would heal our land.
But if
we do not listen
to the voices of Jonah in our generation
and react like Nineveh with sincere repentance,
we will fall into the dustbin of history.
My country will soon turn back to God or we will fall.
With the proceeding BLUE section in mind,
understanding that I think the rapture may be soon
I continue by letting you know that....
I have cried out to God -
"Lord, I don't want to have to see my country fall apart.
Please don't make me watch.
Please bring the rapture
so that I will not have to
look upon this disaster happening in slow motion."
(Not a mighty woman Christian prayer but I'm just being honest.)
God answered me
through the book of Habakkuk.
Habakkuk reminds me that...
God uses
evil leaders in other countries
to bring judgment on his people's nation ...
As I was growing up,
we Christians in the U.S. believed that we were a Christian nation.
The Supreme Court actually declared that in the 1800's.
But we are obviously not that anymore.
in the
Christians and non-Christians
used to
respect God in public.
Non-Christians did not complain about Bible-reading or godly laws.
God has greatly blessed the U.S.
In Luke 12:48 b - God says...
"To whom much is given, much is required."
We have been given much but...
we are no longer a country that respects God.
If we do not
turn back to God
evil will overtake us and rule us
with a wicked hand
resulting in enormous destruction and suffering.
2 Chronicles 7:14 NKJV
God says...
My people
who are called by My name
humble themselves,
and pray
and seek My face,
and turn from their wicked ways,
I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
We Christians need to be repenting and allowing God to mature us.
This moral decay is not just from the unbelievers.
God's people are required to turn from THEIR wicked ways.
we Christians don't realize
how much
the world has influenced us.
Many Christians in America believe that
God will never allow us to fall.
we read the Old Testament, we learn that
when God's chosen people
abandoned God -
the next step was that
an evil nation came and conquered them
and brought judgment to their sins.
Unless we repent and
truly respect & follow God,
God will not protect the U.S.
from the consequences of our great sins.
Consider listening to Paul Harvey's Great 1960's video
predicting what we see today -
" If I were the devil, I'd.... "
For me,
I believe God was saying that
I am going to have to
continue to watch this slow-motion destruction for a time.
his instructions for me
given in last verses of Habakkuk.
I will write about
verse 16 today and the other verses tomorrow.
Habakkuk 3:16 NASB
tells me that...
I heard, and my inner parts trembled; |
Even though I tremble Even though I sometimes I must accept that God's judgment is here. I must watch it happen. I must watch the destruction |
That doesn't mean I don't continue to pray for my country.
It doesn't mean I don't vote for those who best uphold my convictions.
It doesn't mean that
God won't do
some acts of protection and help.
It - does - mean
my country
in a big, permanent way,
we are
slowly or quickly going down.
I write this page
not to
depress you
but to
get you to
wake up
at the very least,
choose to
refresh, renew and rededicate yourself to
pray in earnest daily for your loved ones.
Praying prayers for them to
dedicate themselves to God
grow strong in obedience to him.
And.... this is
THE Time to
Pray that your country repents -
not just for a day
(we saw that kind of repentance right after 911)
but a
true repentance that is life-changing.
Not everyone who thinks he is right with God
is right with God....
Jesus said in Matthew 15:8,
"They worship me with their lips but their hearts are far from me."
Consider - 2 Corinthians 13:5
And Note...
In Matthew 7:21,
Jesus said...
"Not everyone
who says to Me, "Lord, Lord,"
shall enter the kingdom of heaven,
but he who does the will of My Father in heaven."
Jesus also says in
John 14:23,
"If you love me, you will obey me."
it is important to
pray for your loved ones who are not obeying God.
2 Timothy 3:16 says,
" All Scripture is given by inspiration of God,
and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof,
for correction,
for instruction in righteousness."
Habakkuk 3:17-19 NASB
tells me that...
Even if the fig tree does not blossom, |
Even when bad things happen, |
Yet I will triumph in the Lord, |
I am called by God to rejoice in my God - the God of my salvation. There are always things to praise God for. |
The Lord God |
When I see all manner of chaos, & crazy, all manner of sinfulness, Deer are equipped to walk on God wants to teach me to walk in these difficult times where we will walk in narrow, dangerous places during perilous |
God tells us that in
good and bad times,
Christians need to learn to walk on the narrow path.
The narrow path leads to God and to heaven.
The wide path is where the world walks and it leads to destruction.
Matthew 7:13-14 NKJV says,
“Enter by the narrow gate;
for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction,
and there are many who go in by it.
Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way
which leads
to life,
and there are few who find it."
The United States
will have a
Great Eclipse on April 8, 2024.
God sometimes uses an eclipse to announce judgment.
Something to think about...
We do not actually know that the Nineveh eclipse was during the time Jonah preached.
The Bible does not mention it.
Darkened Sky
looks ominous.
Jesus says in Matthew 7:15,
"Watch out for false prophets.
They come to you in sheep's clothing."
The term
"Sheep's clothing"
means that they will say they are Christians.
I urge you to move away from
the "prophetic movement"
that is so prevalent in the U.S. today.
Even IF a current "prophet" gives a word that comes true
it is not necessarily from God!
The Bible says a prophet has to be 100% accurate. Nothing less!
Modern "prophets"
decided on their own to change the 100% definition of a prophet.
Also note that
Jesus warns
in Matthew 24:24 that....
false prophets
will come
perform great signs and wonders!
PLEASE visit our page - Prophets
The church today
doesn't need to run after a
from a
"so-called prophet."
We need to |
![]() |
that is
not as
fun and exciting
as getting it from others.
Christians are
following excitement
instead of
following God's Word.
When you seek your guidance from God,
I remind you that God may not quickly give guidance to you.
We have to wait on God.
God gives us "maturing" words from the Bible
he uncovers our sins and makes us face them
so we can repent
and be obedient.
That is not what the modern-day prophets are interested in doing.
These "prophets"
are a distraction from our mission
to allow God to
We need to pray for THEM but not follow them in any way!
PLEASE see our pages:
Also note that
"Prophet" Graham Cooke
writes books teaching people how to give
prophecies by using their imagination.
He admits it and is proud of it.
See our page: Graham Cooke
A Great Sermon on
A Short Look at
And we end
Lord and Savior
We Praise our Savior and Lord.
Jump to the top of Habakkuk
This page was presented April 2024.
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