Prayers for my married daughter with children



for my

Married Daughter

with children


See also our

Married Son with children page

And all our

Family prayer pages


Blessed Shepherd of my heart,

Thank you for my wonderful daughter. 
Thank you for all the joy she brings into my life.

She is a beautiful wife and mother.
She has the honor of being the heart of her home.

May she hear your encouragement to her
as she moves through this day. 

May she receive the strength and direction
that she needs from you this day.

May she feel your comfort
when she encounters difficulty this day.

May she be more
fully aware of
the blessings that you have put in her day and in her life. 

I praise you for
the blessing of my daughter and her family.

I pray these things in the Wondrous Name of Jesus,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of


Loving Lord,

You are the God who loves us with overwhelming love.

I lift up prayer for my daughter.

I ask that you would inspire her, refresh her, and strengthen her.

Lord, I am excited about the incredible things you are doing for her and through her each day.

Thank you for your Psalm 23 promise that goodness and mercy will follow her all the days of her life.

May she enjoy splashes of joy and laughter as she moves through her day.

In the Joyful name of Jesus, I pray,


Copyright © 2022 Beth McLendon of


Heavenly Father,

I thank you and I praise you 
for all the joy I receive from your hand of love. 

Thank you that my daughter
has the blessing of being a mother.

Thank you for the joy that being a mom brings to her and being a grandparent brings to me.

I pray that you would inspire her and help her to have
phenomenal wisdom
phenomenal parenting skills
as she tries to
transverse this difficult time in history.

Bring her encouragement and amazing new ideas

for discipling her children

and for teaching them,

and for creating fun with them.

I pray that you would
bless her husband and guide him and
refresh him each day.
I pray that you would teach him
how to
love his wife like Christ loved the church.
Thank you for all his good points. 
Remind me to always notice his best qualities. 

I pray that my daughter and her husband would be
continually inspired
to work as a team for Christ. 

In the Life - Transforming name of Jesus, I pray,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of


Magnificent Creator and Loving Lord,

I am filled with wonder as I contemplate how glorious you are.

You spoke, and the world appeared.

Your words change things. 

I pray that you would draw my daughter's heart
toward your Word.

I pray that my daughter will be a woman
who reads your 
Word each day.

Remind her
that she needs the wisdom and strength
that comes from
reading your Word.

As she reads your Word,

may she be given

deeper understanding about

the wonders of you


the amazing miracles that come

to those who build their life upon your principles. 


I pray that my daughter would be a woman of prayer.

Stir her heart to pray each day, and may she yield

to your nudges.

Your wonderful will for my daughter

is to

be strong in the Lord.

You want her to walk in

Power Thoughts, Power Strategies, and godly motivation

each day.

Your wonderful will for my daughter

is to

walk in

greater peace each day

no matter what the circumstances or situations.

Teach her, Lord.

I pray in the Miraculous Name of Jesus,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of


Heavenly Father,

You delight in marriage. You desire that my daughter's marriage is strong and happy.

I pray for my daughter's marriage.

I pray that she and her husband will love you with their whole heart. And I pray that they will stay focused on creating a Christ-centered marriage.

In the Loving name of Jesus, I pray,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of


God of Joy - God of Love,

I pray for my daughter.

May she be a woman who finds joy in praising you and serving you.

I pray that you would guide my daughter into becoming a Mighty Woman of Prayer. 

I pray that her house would be known as a House of Prayer.

Inspire her, Lord. 

Guide her by your hand of Love.

In the Life - Transforming name of Jesus, I pray,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of


Inspire my daughter

to be a praying woman.

Difficult Days

Heavenly Father,

I pray for my daughter and her day today.

I pray for your help for whatever difficult thing my daughter is dealing with today.

I pray that she will welcome

your wise words to her

concerning the situation.

I pray that she will recognize

your words as good advice,

and she will have the motivation to obey your words.

Strengthen her against discouraging emotions. Strengthen her against hopelessness or despair. Protect her against hormonal fluctuations. Help her to walk in more peace and power.

Raise her up as a Mighty Woman of God.

Help her to gain confidence that she can overcome obstacles and trample temptations.

Draw her attention toward the opportunities for joy that you have placed all around her. Draw her attention to the humorous situations that occur all around her. May her days be filled with delights and laughter.

Give her hope and inspiration

for the daily wonders and miracles

that you want her to believe for

in her marriage and in the lives of her children. 

I pray in the Life - Transforming Name of Jesus,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of


Psalm 90:12 NKJV

So teach us to number our days,
That we may gain a heart of wisdom.


Heavenly Father,

You are our Shepherd, our Mentor, our Coach, and our Guide. 

You are our Awesome Creator who enjoys creativity.

Bless my daughter with great ideas.

Give her ideas on how to gain strength from you. Show her how to build herself up so that she can better build up her family.

Give her ideas on how to bring more fun and laughter into her home.

Give her ideas on how to build a strong and harmonious family.

Give her ideas on how to encourage and uplift her husband.

Give her ideas on how to inspire and encourage her children -  and how to guide them toward the proper path each day.

Give her ideas on how to bring Bible songs and Bible stories into her children's day.

Give her a heart to pray with her children and to inspire them to pray.   

Remind her that time is fleeting, precious, and short. Teach her to number her days that she may be inspired to use her time wisely. 


I call out to you.

Bless my daughter. 

Strengthen her.

Comfort her.

Inspire her.

May her heart beat in unison with you all throughout her day.

In the Life - Inspiring name of Jesus, I pray,


Copyright © 2023 Beth McLendon of


Shepherd of my Soul,

Show me how to be a greater encouragement

to my daughter.

Remind me to pray for my daughter.

I pray these things in Jesus' Loving name,


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Prayers for my married daughter with children
was posted in April 2023.

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