Marriage Prayers for Friends

Marriage Prayers for Friends


Prayers to pray 



your friend's


Be sure and check all the way down.

Prayer for a friend

whose marriage is in trouble

Lord of Miracles,

We come before you and lay this marriage in your hands.

We ask that you would revive this husband and this wife, and draw them toward happy matrimony.

We ask that you would renew their love and passion for one another.

We ask that you would untangle the conflicts and strife, and heal the hurts.

We ask that you would bring understanding and tenderness of heart.

May they both embrace the miracle that you desire to do for them and with them.

In Jesus' name we pray,


Copyright © 2015 Beth McLendon of


Prayer for a woman

whose marriage is in trouble

Scroll down for prayer for a man.

Dear Lord,

I pray for _______ and her marriage.

Uplift her this day.

Strengthen her.

Give her insights that will change things for the better.

Turn her husband's heart toward her.

Bring renewed harmony and unity into their marriage.

Help her to soak in your abounding love for her.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2020 Beth McLendon of


Prayer for a man

whose marriage is in trouble

Dear Lord,

I pray for _______ and his marriage.

Uplift him this day.

Strengthen him.

Give him insights that will change things for the better.

Turn his wife's heart toward him.

Bring renewed harmony and unity into their marriage.

Help him to soak in your abounding love for him.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2020 Beth McLendon of


Prayer for a marriage

with a wayward wife

Modify for a

wayward husband

Dear Lord,

I pray for this wayward wife.

I pray that her eyes will be open to your truth and her heart will be open to love and restoration with her husband.

I pray that she will become teachable toward you. I pray that she will become aware of the lies that she has been believing and that she will come to feel godly sorrow.

May she yearn for the joy that she and her husband used to have. 

May she have a passionate desire for her husband. May she understand how to help turn her marriage around and how to bring healing to her marriage.

I pray that you would strengthen her husband so that he will continually choose to be a compassionate and forgiving man and a wise and godly leader in their home.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of


An  uplifting  message

to  send  to 

a friend:

May the Lord

lift you up above your problems and trials today.

 May beautiful things inspire you,

may humorous things delight you,


may spiritual things strengthen you!


Copyright © 2020 Beth McLendon of

Also see our Page:

Prayer for troubled Marriages

For all our

family prayer links, click HERE

Marriage Prayers for Friends was posted in

February 2024.

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