I need help from addiction

by Daniel

PLS pray for me to be forever free

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Sep 15, 2017
Inspirational-Prayers website
by: Beth

We at Inspirational-Prayers are praying for your request.

We also want to strongly suggest that you visit our pages on sexual addiction and how to have victory (which are listed below).

We have videos from the very best expert on "How to give up sexual sin."

(Even Paul had to yield to God and cooperate with God.)

Our brains are wired so that hearing and absorbing wisdom helps us to get the strength to partner with God to have victory over addictions.

And hearing and absorbing wisdom helps us to make good decisions in the future so we are not drawn back in.

Learning how to pray POWER Prayers is a component in deliverance. On this website, we have addiction POWER prayers.

Also the principles in our "How to Stop Drinking" page can be helpful for any addiction.

We encourage you to put some time into visiting these pages – and links from these pages - in order to gain strength from the Lord.

God wants to teach you to be a Champion for Christ and have victory over everything that is trying to conquer you.



The page above has lots of POWER page links at the bottom of the page!

Here is our "How to stop drinking and stop other addictions":


Each of our pages will help you learn HOW to have victory.

AND - These pages will help you to work with God to train your mind so that when you think about sexual things – you think about those things from God’s perspective. Then your thoughts will be pleasing to God and helpful to you.

Concerning the link below… Of course you know porn is wrong. But hearing about the dangers of porn helps us to more deeply hate it and enables us to more easily turn away from it. (And as the paragraph above explains - this page helps you to think about this subject from God's perspective.)


Sep 15, 2017
by: Anonymous

Need urgent prayers for deliverance from sexual addiction. Have been praying bout it for more than ten years. Praying that just as God changed Saul to Paul immediately, so shall he likewise hasten in response to my prayer and bring about immediate and definite change all to his honour and glory.

May 16, 2017
I need a prayer
by: Anonymous

I also need to be rid of my addictions

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