Funeral Compassion

Funeral Compassion

Helping Those who Grieve

This page answers the question:

What can I do to help?


Posted by your Inspirational-Prayers host - Beth McLendon


see our page

Funeral Prayers

for ideas of

what to say to a grieving person.

sad woman

Practical ideas to help the hurting

My friend "J" recently lost her husband.

Here are her


that she posted in her newsletter ....

Several people asked me what they can do

to help


with a recent loss.

Here are some

practical suggestions;

The ones with the * were done for me and were
SUCH a blessing and uplifting:


  Bring a bucket of cleaning supplies
scrub down the bathrooms *


Gather up, wash and fold the laundry.
(If they have kids, they can help with this.)


   Clean the inside of the refrigerator.

Take the car
to be washed and clean the interior at the free vacuums.


Not into cooking?

Buy several bags of frozen burritos – easy food that can be eaten anytime.

Throw in some microwave popcorn,
herbal teas and always CHOCOLATE in any form. *

You could
have something like this
sent through
Amazon etc. if you don’t live nearby.

          Text each day to say “hello”
and ask
what they have eaten. *
It is hard to eat when you are grieving.


  Find out

what day of the week
time of day
is the toughest
email or text prayers specific for that day *

Thank you again for your ongoing prayers,



Beth adds some ideas

I have had

several close family members who have died.


I will add a couple of ideas

that have helped me.

I agree with " J " that eating is hard after a loss.

It helped me for friends to ask me out to eat.
The first few days,
I needed someone to talk with me while I was eating.
It distracted me from
how hard it was
chew and swallow. 


Everyone sends cards
right after the death.

But I am still hurting for weeks and months.
I appreciate a card arriving in a month or 6 weeks
after a loss.
Getting a card later
makes me feel not so alone in my grief.
It helps me
to know that
someone is still remembering my loved one and my loss.

I do that for others after they lose a loved one. 

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Funeral Compassion was posted in February 2024.

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