This page is about
Protecting Children
What you need to know to
PROTECT your child from sexual dangers.
Please educate yourself
so that you can better protect your loved ones
Please scroll down to see all the various topics.
November 2024
Mattel Toys link to porn on toy
September - October 2024
Public Schools
are providing
pornography to children
Concerning Curriculum in Public schools
August 2024
Being Aware
of the dangers children and teens face
is important.
The video below
does NOT really focus on witchcraft.
It talks more about
young children and teens
get drawn into
many dangerous situations and practices -
especially when they have not been taught
specifics about Christianity.
Get informed
so you can prevent
your loved ones
from being drawn into these things.
January 2024
Mark Zuckerberg
is exposed.
He is hurting teens and looking the other way.
The FBI is warning the public of violent online groups deliberately targeting minor victims
Sexual Child abduction can happen to any
child or teen -
girl or boy
This page has
on all kinds of sexual dangers
that you are not aware of.
"You cannot BEWARE of something unless you are
AWARE of it."
Dr. Robert Rohm
New addition to this page;
Pray and Consider issues about sleepovers
This page talks about
Sexual dangers such as online games
such as Roblox,
and unique
children are abducted for
Child Trafficking....
Sexual Dangers such as
toys with secret sex messages
that appear
when dipped in water, and other sexual dangers.
New article to check out:
Roblox: The children's game with a sex problem
Metaverse app allows kids into virtual strip clubs
Don't let this uncomfortable topic keep you from
getting informed and informing your
children and teens - and other adults.
There is lots of information on this page to help you
protect others.
Please SCROLL all the way down
before leaving this page.
There are several diverse topics including
Please become aware and informed.
This happens to
babies, young children, and teens
every day in
big and small cities.
YOUR loved ones need YOU to know more
so you can help protect them.
Your loved ones are ignorant to the dangers - Hey, all of us are ignorant to all the dangers out there.
First - teenagers are getting abducted.
Here is an example.
Teach your children that
"bad guys" sometimes use adorable dogs.
I recently went to a talk on this subject at church.
This is one thing we learned:
Teach your teens
>>> one way people try to lure girls
is by saying that they can get
the girl
a modeling job with a big magazine. <<<
Here the man or woman suggests
that the girl meet them
- without telling her parents -
and model for pictures.
The bad guys put the pictures
immediately up on the internet and they
"sell" the girl within hours.
For many teens, this strategy works.
we learned at the talk at church ...
Sexually Abusive people who abuse but do not
kidnap a child
sometimes tell the child
that they will hurt the child's family
if the child tells.
When you feel it is appropriate,
gently tell your child, that if anyone tries to get to them do something by telling them
that the family will be hurt - you tell us anyway!
We are grown-ups. We can take of people like that so they never get near you again.
The church talk I heard also reminded us.....
Be aware that
are taken
while walking home from school
or walking home from the bus stop.
Kids can be scooped into an unmarked van.
(Consider having a talk at your church about this topic.)
Consider a secret emoji
for emergencies.
I saw a video last week
that showed
- adult woman grabbed -
thrown into a van.
The next video is about
People we trust
such as:
Security guard at Disney and a Pastor
Dozens of Disney Employees arrested
Disney music executive
Former Vice President
Disney is sexualizing children's programming.
They just announced the first bi-sexual character on Disney channel's The Owl House.
The toy below includes a phone number
printed on the toy.
If a child dials the phone number,
he or she gets to hear a message on a sex line.
( I urge you NOT to call the number -
AND Do not request photo -
it could be against the law.)
Below is a toy
by Hasbro
that is concerning many parents.
Pay close attention to the toys your child plays with.
Personally..... I am shocked that the news station produced the information in a way as to downplay this toy's issue.
More about toys further down the page.
By the way,
Don't be fooled -
The average age that
a boy gets started with porn is
11 years old.
And more and more girls are getting hooked.
Please read our Porn Page for Parents after
you finish this page.
August 19, 2020
The hugely popular Roblox online gaming platform
allows children and teens
to go to secret "red light districts"
to participate via their Lego-like avatars in
digital sex parties, appear naked, simulate sex acts, use
racial slurs, and send sexually explicit messages.
you can be grabbed and taken there...
Take note:
A Louisiana mom was playing a regular game in the
regular area (Adopt Me) with her 8-year-old daughter
and another player snatched the mom's character up
and took her to bed to have sex.
Another danger of this game is that children could
fall prey to online predators
where kids pretend to be adults and adults
and pose as children.
Below is a link for a news report about Roblox
The video link below contains a father of a 6-year-old
explaining that he walked into the room and saw that
his daughter was on Roblox and someone had hacked
into the game and posted the picture of a
pornographic woman
on the wall of one of the buildings in the game.
I decided to read some of the comments posted below the last Youtube video in this section. Almost every single one was laughing AT this news report video, and some were getting upset at the parents for complaining. It is a dangerous world.
Roblox is created for kids but....there is a section for "Dating" on Roblox.
Here are more dangers on Roblox.
Online communication
Communicating with people online is
August 2020 -
People trying to connect with children online
and lure them to a location ....
Contact was initiated through popular social media applications.
Dangerous Online communication
Young people do not see the dangers.
often think that nothing bad
could really happen to them.
And abusers are bold.
Here is a 32-year-old math tutor caught talking online to 13-year-old girl about smoking pot and then he went to her house to smoke pot with her - but she was an undercover cop.
How can abduction happen?
-The 8 minute movie on Youtube -
Oblivious is a video that shows
an elementary school girl
on a smart phone
talking to a stranger while her family is oblivious.
It is a good movie to give you an understanding of HOW
children end up as victims.
You can see this video on Youtube.
The makers of the video will not let people put it on their site.
Next, another similar video called
Stranger Danger
26% of online "bad guys"
used the victim's
social networking site
to gain information
about the victim's whereabouts at a specific time.
The video in this section
is truly
Here a woman works undercover with the police
to appear as a young girl.
A 37-year old mom working with law enforcement
goes undercover
as an 11-year old girl to expose the dangers
facing kids on social media platforms like
Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and Kik.
Left unsupervised,
young children can be exposed to
online predators, grooming, and
psychological abuse within minutes.
This video that has some explicit information on how men will try to get young girls or young boys to converse with or worse.
I didn't even watch all of it.
Some of it is hard to watch.
This section
is for protection from strangers
and even when
a teen feels scared
because their peers
are pushing them to do something wrong.
Have a code word
so that when your child is talking on the phone to you
the code word can be used to signal for help.
For example,
A teen is feeling uncomfortable about a situation....
So she or he says,
"I better call my parents. They have been fussing at me about not calling them enough when I'm out."
The call -
"Hey mom, I'm here in the car with such and such.
Yes, and (code word is verbalized).
I wanted to check in with you so that
you wouldn't get mad at me like you did
last Saturday when I was out."
Parent hears the code word and pretends to get mad and says,
"I'm really mad at you. Your room is a mess and you go out with your friends. Where are you? I want you home right now. I'm coming to get you right now."
And please note:
I personally have good ears and when I am near a friend on the phone, I can often hear what people are saying
on the other end of the phone.
So..... the parent should not say things on the phone
that the parent
doesn't want other people to hear.
At Best
covers this stuff up.
At Worst
Hollywood may actually participate.
The next video shows
the casual way they handle this topic.
The video below
is talking about
Roman Polanski and his rap_ charges.
Let's be clear -
children cannot consent to sex.
Below -
Roman Polanski
gets thunderous applause
and a standing ovation from some
for winning a Hollywood award
- notice two of those standing -
Meryl Streep (famous actress)
Harvey Weinstein
(who is a convicted sex offender and now in prison).
Roman Polanski
can't accept the award in person
because he is on the run from law enforcement
for sexually abusing and drugging a 13 year old child.
More about Hollywood
Victim speaks out about
the man convicted of abusing him
let out of prison
and then
welcomed back to Hollywood.
More Hollywood info -
Law enforcement
tells us that there are
certain code words and symbols
that are used by people who abuse children.
Take note:
even babies are abused by this type people.
The word "pizza" is a code word
these type of bad people
to speak about children.
Notice what appears on this doll
when put in cold water...
The video below informs us...
What is
Pizza Gate
Here is an alarming article:
Here is a comment from under one of the videos I posted:
"People don't realize
they are grooming our kids. Go to Walmart
and look at the designs printed on the children's clothing.
Just yesterday I saw a shirt that said,
"Give me pizza"
with all these pizza slices with
sharks swimming and surrounding it."
Below...Exposing children to adult content -
Bad guys are targeting children
on platforms that parents think are safe.
The cartoon starts off fine.
The cartoon sometimes
features familiar cartoon characters.
Then things go wrong....
And more....
A little cold water
Dolls that spy?
Tips for Protection
These news stories will SHOCK you.
Facebook and Twitter
Netflix and Youtube
We need to face the fact that there are a lot of
evil forces in our world
that are working to take away
for our children
and the vulnerable of our society.
asks users if they
protects pedo tweets
But is able to quickly detect conservative talk they don't like.
October 6, 2020 Update on Netflix scandal
Netflix indicted for PORN
August 21, 2020 - Netflix is in the middle of a big scandal.
They are promoting a film where scantily-clad 11-year-olds
are posed in sexual ways and the girls are twerking. It was
first advertised for people 16 and older.
Concerning the story above - September 2020 - U.S. Senators are calling on the U.S. Justice Department to do a criminal investigation into the Cuties movie.... And many people are cancelling their Netflix membership because of this movie.
Before we continue with Youtube...
Man sentenced to 1000 years
for terrible child porn but serves only 7 years.
Be informed
What some people do
with innocent videos
of children
posted on Youtube
(Youtube could stop this. Just like Twitter, they are able to quickly find conservative talk they don't like.)
- September 21, 2020
There is $ 100 million of new funding for
the DOJ in the USA to fight child trafficking.
Horrible. . .
Leaders of our Country
and turn away and do nothing.
The next video highlights
Cindy McCain
widow of
U.S. Senator John McCain
John McCain
was the Republican candidate for President
in 2008.
He was a U.S. Senator from Arizona from
1987 - 2018.
On the video below...
Cindy McCain
That means Cindy knew and her husband knew.
They weren't shouting it from the housetops.
They weren't going on TV
to expose him in order to protect young girls.
We must DEMAND better from our leaders!
Have Evidence
and turn away and do nothing.
This section has...
must-see news
October 2023
Those arrested come from all backgrounds, including an EMT, nurses, educators, retirees, former law enforcement officers, self-employed individuals, delivery drivers, and others. The youngest john arrested was 17 and the oldest was 84.
September 2023
FBI warning parents about recent online dangers.
The FBI is warning the public of violent online groups deliberately targeting minor victims
February 2023
private school teacher wants to
‘transform’ children
through 'porn literacy'
January 2023
October 2022
These shows are multiplying and even being done in schools and churches!
September 2022
Twitter & Porn
Schools used to be about
Schools are teaching pro-porn curriculum
July 2022
A video to watch
Jump to the top of Protecting Children
President Lincoln for Presidents' Day
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Explaining How to Get to Heaven
Bible Devotions
Making Life Better Articles
We have devotions for each of the psalms:
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NEW Page:
Updated Page:
Overcoming Sabotage in your family
an audio presentation
Click here for Links to ALL our marriage pages
Men and women keep score differently
* *
* *
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Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life
Our Winter
went out
December 4.
Sign up below for
which is called
The Inspirational Life
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Daily Inspiration: Worship & Prayer
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Life-changing prayer for fathers
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Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers
an audio Presentation by Beth
Songs for Children for church and home
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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself
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Links to all our pages on the Psalms