Prayers for Grandchildren

Power Prayers

for Grandchildren

Give your grandchildren



The Gift of Prayer

Powerful Prayers



Almighty God,

I pray for my grandchildren.

I pray for your

Wisdom and Power 

to lead and guide

my grandchildren this day.

By Faith,

I declare that

my grandchildren will become


My granchildren will overcome

this world’s temptations,

and they will experience

Amazing Victories

for your glory.

Thank you for flowing your

Overcoming Strength,


Overcoming Thoughts,

and your

Overcoming Emotions


my grandchildren.

In Jesus' name, I pray,


Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of

Prayers of Love

Dear Lord,

Help my grandchildren to see 

the advantages

in choosing to

direct their will toward

Your Plans and Purposes for them.

May they pick up their godly destiny and become

Mighty Followers of Jesus Christ.


Copyright © 2013 Beth McLendon of

Prayer for


God of Wonders  –  God of Miracles,

Inspire me

to pray

Mighty Prayers 

full of

boldness and faith.

I lift up my grandsons in prayer.

I pray that my grandsons would become

- Mighty Men -

Men of  godly Strength and Stability,

Men of  godly Purpose and POWER,

Men of  Integrity and Inspiration,

Men of  Honor and Humbleness,


Men of Courage and Compassion.

In the Mighty name of Jesus I pray,


Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of

Bible Prayers for Grandchildren

Below is...

Personalized Prayer

for my



Philippians 4:8b

Dear Lord,

I pray that you would bless my grandchildren.

I pray that you would help them


fix their thoughts on

what is

true and good and right.

I pray that you would help them to

think about things

that are pure and lovely,

and dwell on the fine, good things in others.

I pray that you will inspire them to think about

all that they can praise you for and be glad about. 

In Jesus' name I pray,


In Colossians 1:9-12 NKJV

Paul tells us

about the contents

of one of his prayers.

Below is an

Adapted Colossians Prayer



Dear Lord,

I pray the Colossians prayer for my grandchild.

God, I will not cease praying

for my grandchild.

I ask that _______ 

will be filled

with the knowledge of God's will

in all wisdom


spiritual understanding;

that _____ may walk worthy of the Lord,

fully pleasing Him,

being fruitful in every good work

and increasing in the knowledge of God; 

strengthened with all might,

according to His glorious power, 

for all patience and longsuffering with joy; 

giving thanks

to the Father who has qualified us to be

partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.


More Prayers for Grandchildren

Almighty God,

I lift up prayer for my grandchildren.

Each one needs
to give
their whole life to you. 

Help them to hear you calling out to them.

Direct their attention toward you and your Scriptures.

Shower them with

Fill them with the
Strength of an Overcomer!

Steady their feet  - and focus their mind on Freedom and Victory 
through Jesus Christ.


Copyright ©  2017 Beth McLendon of


Dear Lord,

I want my children and grandchildren to live for you.

Guide them, draw them, and stir them to be Strong Followers of Jesus Christ. 

They each need to be right with you every day of their life.

They each need to be on-fire for you every day of their life.

Father God, do a mighty work in each of their lives.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2019  Beth McLendon of

Reading the Bible with your grandchildren
is a
Gift of Love to them.

Make time to

Pray these

Life-changing Prayers

for your Loved Ones!

Lord of Infinite Wisdom, Power, and Love,

I pray for the very best blessings
for my grandchildren.

I pray for the very best wisdom for them.

I pray for the very best spiritual life for them.

I pray that they will fall in love with you
and live for you
every day of their life.

I pray for the very best friends for them.

I pray that they will choose friends who will encourage them to have integrity, honesty, and to engage in good, clean fun.

I pray that they will choose friends who seek to please you and who live lives of service to others .

I pray for the very best dating life for my grandchildren.

I pray that they will use godly judgment
in choosing those they date.

I pray that
they will understand and value using self - control
while dating.

I pray that they will see the wisdom
in waiting for sex
until marriage.

May they choose a spouse who loves you and
is faithful to you.

May they choose a spouse of godly integrity
who will
value them, respect them, compliment them, and
be loyal to them.

I pray that their spouse will be teachable and will always look
for godly answers to every problem in their life.

I pray that their spouse will always be tender toward them and tender toward you, Lord.

I pray these things in the name
of my
Amazing Savior - Jesus Christ,


Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of

 God says

Prayer does AMAZING Things!

YOUR Prayers

are Powerful and Life-changing.

Prayer for Motivation

Motivational Prayer

Dear Lord,

I need to find the motivation to pray.

I have the time.

But ... I need the determination to pray for my family.

Lord, stir up in me a greater desire to pray for my family.

I will put prayer on my calendar. 

I will make prayer a priority.

And I will yield to your voice when you nudge me to pray. 

I will remind myself that prayer is POWERFUL.

I pray these things in the Mighty name of Jesus,


Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of

The Bible says:

Therefore devote yourselves

completely to the Lord our God,

walking in his statutes

and keeping his commandments.

1 Kings 8:61a NRSV

Video Prayers


Prayers for Grandchildren 


Prayer for Grandparents

Scripture Verse Prayer

for your

Children and Grandchildren


The AMAZING POWER of Encouragement !

I hope that today

you will make a goal of

being an even



*  When you are with your grandchildren, pick out wonderful traits in your grandchildren and compliment them.

Enthusiastically celebrate their accomplishments!

Cheer them on when they are working on a difficult task.


Consider sending
e-mails, texts, and greeting cards

to your grandkids...
that sometimes even include
Scripture verses!

Encouagement is even more important

for your


Your beloved

teens and young adults

could more easily overcome 

adversities and temptations

if they had someone encouraging them.

They would walk stronger & taller

if they knew you were cheering them on!

Take Note:

While you are praying...

Don't forget about

the members of your family

that you suspect no one is praying for.

Other Prayer Pages on this site:

Prayer for Teens

Prayers for an adult Daughter

Prayers for an adult Son

Prayers for my Family

And consider this article from the web:

Prayers of Grandparents

Click the above link or cut & paste the link below... 

Prayers for Grandchildren was posted in October 2019

Jump to the top of Prayers for Grandchildren

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