Prayer for friends of my
Adult Daughter

Prayer for friends of my adult


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Six Prayers

for my Adult Daughter's female Friends

women talking

Also consider our page

Prayers for my Adult Daughter


Heavenly Father,

Thank you for my daughter and for her wonderful friends.

Today I lift up prayer for my daughter's friends. I pray for  _______ and ______.

I ask you to send a multitude of blessings to them this day. 

Uplift their emotions, multiply their joys, ease their pains, and show forth your healing power to them. 

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2020 Beth McLendon of


Loving Shepherd,

Today I come before you to pray for my daughter

and her friends. 

I pray that they will

more and more

think about you, lean on you, and be blessed by you.

I pray these things

in the Life - Giving name of Jesus,


Copyright © 2024 Beth McLendon of


Father God,

I thank you for my wonderful daughter.

I ask that you would bless her friends and draw them ever closer to you.

I pray for an abundant amount of protection and favor over ______, _____, and _____  this day, this week, this month, and this year. 

I pray that you will generously lavish them with uplifting thoughts and experiences. 

I pray that you will provide amazing provision and miracles.

I pray that they will have awesome experiences that remind them of your love for them.

And I ask that each one will often find herself laughing with delight as she moves through her day.

I pray these things in the Mighty and Miraculous name of Jesus,
Copyright © 2021 Beth McLendon of


Loving Lord,

You are the God who creates beautiful friendships.

Thank you for my daughter's beautiful friendship with _______. She has been a big blessing in my daughter's life.

I lift her up in prayer. 

Thank you for inspiring her, refreshing her, and strengthening her.

Lord, I am excited about the incredible things you are doing for her and through her each day.

Thank you for molding her, preparing her, and positioning her to fulfill her destiny.

Thank you for your promise that goodness and mercy will follow her all the days of her life. *

May she enjoy splashes of joy and laughter as she moves through this day.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of

* Psalm 23


Lord of Everlasting Love,

I lift up my daughter's friends to you.

I lift up _______ and _____ to you in prayer.

I ask you to administer strength and wisdom and peace to them today and throughout this week.

Give them supernatural provision and guidance.

I ask for protection as they face frustrations, challenges, and unexpected occurrences.

May they rise up above their difficulties as the eagles do.

May they run and not be weary; may they walk and not even feel faint. *

And may they experience wonderful splashes of joy and laughter this week. 

In Jesus’ name I pray,


Copyright © 2021 Beth McLendon of

* Isaiah 40:31


Loving Lord,

I pray that you will draw

wonderful women

into my daughter's life -

women who love you and follow you closely.

In Jesus' name I pray,


Copyright © 2024 Beth McLendon of

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