Jesus was and is very opinionated. He wants us to adopt his opinions. Since he is THE TRUTH, whatever his opinions are - they are not just opinions - they are facts.
pope - Mary -
Father God, We come before you today to praise you and ask for you to empower us so that we can complete the assignments you have for us today. Whether they be work assignments - or resting and refreshment assignments - we want to yield to your will this day.
We put on the helmet of salvation. Thank you for all the ways that you are protecting us from hurt and harm this day. We put on the belt of truth. We desire to know truth and we dedicate ourselves to living according to your truth. We put on the breastplate of righteousness. We are thankful for the righteousness of Christ and we want to honor our Lord by living a life of righteousness and holiness. We put on the shoes of peace. We thank you for the peace of knowing our eternal home. Help us to feel and to express more peacefulness in our life so that we can give you more glory. We pick up the shield of faith to defend ourselves from the evil forces. Remind us of your power scriptures as we encounter the demonic darts of fear or worry or discouragement. We pick up the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. Lord, we dedicate ourselves to reading your Word this day and seeking to follow your commands. In love and devotion we pray, Amen
Father God, You are our Creator. We thank you for the wonderful body you gave us. Lord, intently look at Glenda's body and notice everything that is malfunctioning or injured or every part of her body that is dealing with some kind of sickness. Bring your miraculous touch to each area and each problem. Take away any pain and the root of that pain. You are our healer and we will give you praise! In Jesus name we pray, Amen.
Be persistent in your faith. Be persistent in following Jesus. Stir up persistence.
I need your peace as I live in this world that is filled with trials and tribulations. I need your peace as I move through a world of chaos where common sense is getting uncommon. I need your peace as I walk through the confusion, the frustration, the agitation of living in this ungodly world. I need your peace as I face angry people who don’t like me or who don’t like how the world is treating them this day. I need peace as I move through mundane tasks that I would love to avoid. I need peace as I encounter difficulties that I do not know how to handle. I need peace as I am faced with situations that feel like they are too hard to stand.
But I will wait on you. I will believe that your strength is – even at this moment – beginning to fill me. I will kneel when I feel that I can’t stand. I will cling to the cross when I can’t see victory in the distance.
LOrd, What a beautiful day! Thank you, Lord. I ask that you would bring some new, great, godly, mature, Christian men into _____'s live. I pray that you would help him to go to greater heights of hearing you and obeying you. I pray that you would bring healing to his hurts and answers to the questions that are bothering him and / or hindering him. I pray these things in Jesus' name AMEN
God wants to do
great things
in me, for me, and through me.
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Explaining the Great Things:
Some are about accomplishing tasks,
some involve blessing people,
some involve gaining more
over my actions.
Proclamations for Today
I will draw closer to God today.
I will give the Word of God my attention today.
I will sing a song to God today.
I will live in a way that shows respect for God today.
God wants to do something great
through me today.
I will not stop him.
Political Correctness
Moral Correctness
Help us this year when that choice is set before us.
Help us to make the right choice.
Many Christians practice omission of the great commission!
Here’s a verse that came to mind this morning.
Psalm 101:6 TLB “I will make the godly of the land my heroes and invite them to my home.”
When I read that in the Living Bible, it always makes me think of television. Whatever we watch on television, we “invite” into our home. How many people watch things on television that they would never be a part of in real life? And instead of watching shows about heroes, most people watch shows that glorify witchcr, sexual impurity, and other rebellious things against God and his laws.
Christians watch a lot of
Help my mind to receive your words.
May my integrity reflect your integrity.
I have two integrity images – one CS Lewis
Holy God- Awesome Leader of my Life,
Holy God- Awesome Leader of my Life,
I give you praise.
You are my light. And You are my Shepherd.
You provide my Daily Bread.
Thank you so much for this food and for my drink.
I ask that you would bless it and make it supernaturally healthy for my body.
In Jesus’ name I pray,
Amen 2016
Where are you?
Where are you on this line?
I'm thinking of a line with writing on both ends.
On one end of the line it says, "God, challenge me to follow you more closely."
On the other end of the line it says, "God, please just leave me alone."
Where are you located on that line?
Which side are you closest to?
What answer do you want to give to God?
What answer will you give to God?
Mary's Answer
I love the Christmas story about
Mary's encounter with an angel.
The angel told her news of a pregnancy that she did not understand.
She did not try to wiggle out of God's will.
She did not try to ignore God's will.
She did gently said,
"Be it unto me according to God's will."
~ ~ ~
What a great answer!
I want to remember that great answer
when God whispers to me his instructions.
I hope you will consider praying this prayer with me...
Dear Heavenly Father,
You are the Great I AM.
We lift up praise to you this day.
You have impossible tasks that you want us to accomplish.
When you give us a task, it is your will that we choose to respond like Mary did.
She received your instructions with faith and with a willing heart.
We ask that this lesson will sink deep inside of us to strengthen us to do your will. We ask that this lesson will help to solidify our obedience to you.
We want the mind of Christ. We want the emotions of Christ.
We want the obedience of Christ in our life.
Open our eyes and touch our hearts this day.
Grow us up so that we look more and more like Jesus.
We make a commitment to you to yield to you today – and tomorrow – and every day after.
In loving devotion we pray,
Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of
mm Encouraging You
to be a
Star of the Lord
to help light the way to Christ
for others this year!
God is Amazing
1. When you think about it - God is Amazing.
We are born to follow him.
We are born to be Amazing....
when we follow him!!
Think how our life could improve if we chose to live by choosing to make AMAZING choices.
Let's show AMAZING Love for others.
Let's show AMAZING determination to follow God.
Let's choose to be AMAZING instead of choosing what we normally choose.
Let's read the Bible daily and listen to uplifting Christian songs daily and let's put on the Full Armor of God daily so we will be more AMAZING today than we were yesterday!! God gives us AMAZING Love.
Let's consider stirring up New Determination for following our AMAZING Lord and Savior.
Dear Lord,
I was born to love you.
I was born to follow you.
I will choose you above all else in this life.
You are my Savior and the Lord of my life.
Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of
I haven't watched much of this......(see 48 min for scripture)
This page is a clone. I am using it as a template for a 2019 page
Daily Inspirational Thoughts
to bless your life.
Monday through Thursday
Everybody wants to be stronger
and have more self-control
in 2019.
So, our goal is to be
stronger and more faith - filled
this year.
God wants us to be
faith-filled not weak-willed.
Previously, I had as a top priority
to be a stronger Christian.
I wrote several pages on the topic.
Consider visiting one of the following pages:
Psalm 119:27 TLB
A Key Bible Verse
to think about
on Monday
"Make me understand what you want;
for then I shall see your miracles."
This week the daily thought is taken from the Bible.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
lean not on your
own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He shall direct your path.
Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV
Wednesday August 21, 2013
Don't be impatient for the Lord to act!
Keep traveling steadily along his pathway and in due season
he will honor you with every blessing.
Psalm 37:34 a TLB
Thursday August 22, 2013
Since the Lord is directing our steps,
why try to understand everything that happens along the way?
Proverbs 20:24 TLB
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
lean not on your
own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
and He shall direct your path.
Proverbs 3:5-6 NKJV
Since the Lord is directing our steps,
why try to understand
everything that happens along the way?
Proverbs 20:24 TLB
Below is an excerpt
from our Bible Devotion
Sheep naturally lack wisdom in who to follow.
If one sheep starts wondering off, others will easily follow. We are like sheep. We easily follow our friends and popular people. We need to make sure we do not follow people who are wandering away from Jesus the Good shepherd.
If we follow those people, they will bring trouble into our life and take us to places that are not good for us.
Every person in our life creates a
peer pressure pull
toward us.
Some people make us feel good about serving and obeying God.
Others, who are not faithful to Jesus, will make us feel embarrassed, inferior, or unintelligent if we follow Jesus.
It is important to spend time with people who will encourage us to follow Jesus.
Like sheep, we all too often give in to unhealthy peer pressure.
We must bond to our good shepherd and reject the guidance of those who are not faithful to Jesus our good shepherd. We must love Jesus so much that rejection from those who don’t follow him will not sway us.
This page was originally presented August 19, 2013
Jump to the top of Daily Inspirational Thoughts
POWER Prayer for Food Addiction
Updated Page:
New Year Prayer for my Adult Child
Daily Prayer for my
Loved Ones
Revelation + Motivation = Transformation
Tips for Walking Supernaturally and victory over offense
We have devotions for each of the psalms:
Bible Devotions
Making Life Better Articles
Explaining How to Get to Heaven
Overcoming Sabotage in your family
an audio presentation
Click here for Links to ALL our marriage pages
Men and women keep score differently
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Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life
Our Newsletter
went out
December 4.
Sign up below for
which is called
The Inspirational Life
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Daily Inspiration: Worship & Prayer
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Life-changing prayer for fathers
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Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers
an audio Presentation by Beth
Songs for Children for church and home
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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself
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Links to all our pages on the Psalms