Finance and Family

Hi, my name is Carolyn L. and I live in Humble,

I need prayer for my finances for my bills. I am unemployed and have been since 2011. I pay my tithes. I believe that God will give me favor and supply my needs. I have 3 kids. They are not young kids thank God for that.

All my life I have struggled with a job but God always has had my back. Right now I am 3 months going on behind on my mortgage. I have to tell that I have a great mortgage company. They been working with me since 2011. I have a modification already. I am not afraid. I am just tried on the edge every month. If you can pray for a steady income.

I also need your help with my brother. He is in Harris county jail. I need a good lawyer for him and we don't have any money.

My mom died in September 2011 and wow it has been going downhill since. I also want you know I am a praying women and I strongly believe in my God. Sometime I cry to him not because of no faith but because I need to talk it out loud. So my prayer is for family and finances. I have a good testimony but I don't think this is the time but just to say God is good and he loves me all the time.

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