Psalm 35
A Psalm of David
A Monday through Wednesday
Presented by
Beth McLendon
David is
crying out to God
to save him
from his enemies.
David had been good to his enemies,
and they are set on doing him harm.
This page deals with
the rough, vengeful prayers
he prayed for his enemies.
Psalm 35
teaches us to
Go to God
with all our problems and all our emotions.
Error in the above video...
"my evil" is "me evil"
Many people
have asked the questions...
Why did God put this psalm into the Bible?
Why did God allow people
to share in the psalms
their full vent
of their feelings about their enemies
and then ask God to punish their enemies harshly?
I have been asked those questions.
My answer
is included in my words below.
David declares that God is his Lord.
He loves God,
- and because of his close relationship with God -
he believes
he can truly speak his mind and emotions to God.
That is a good thing.
I firmly believe that
as David calls out to God
in his anger and frustration
with his harsh words,
he will eventually see
his words are over the top.
Meaning -
he doesn't really mean these words -
he is just terribly hurt and suffering.
I believe that
will think about what he said,
and he will relent
that he really doesn't want
to do such punishment to anyone.
And as
- you and I -
come to this psalm
during a time of great pain
inflicted on us by our
we too
will move through the emotions of
this psalm
and other psalms like it
and find our way to the conclusion
that we
truly do not want anyone to have such punishment.
Giving full vent
to our hurt
will cause a godly person
to realize that
even though the hurt is enormous,
you still don't want God to bring vengeance on them.
If we are in right relationship with God,
we will process through this pain
and turn away from vengeance.
Here is another helpful video.
Psalm 35
A Prayer of Protection
Psalm 35:1-3
ends with
Say to my soul,
“I am your salvation.”
I am going to
share about the words
written in red above
I present all three verses.
Here are those three verses:
Plead my cause, O Lord, with those who strive with me;
Fight against those who fight against me.
2 Take hold of shield and buckler,
And stand up for my help.
3 Also draw out the spear,
And stop those who pursue me.
Say to my soul,
“I am your salvation.”
The word - Salvation -
In the Hebrew language
Yeshua is the Hebrew word for Jesus.
Salvation = Yeshua = Jesus
"Jesus" means "salvation"
in the Hebrew language!
When the psalmist
asked for God to speak to him and say,
"I am your salvation,"
the words actually were
"I am your Yeshua."
"I am your Jesus."
He is our
Jesus who saves us.
Without knowing it,
the psalmist was crying out
is a beautiful song
that says
"Salvation is Your Name."
Psalm 38:22 NKJV Make haste to help me, O Lord, my salvation!
Psalm 118:14 NKJV The Lord is my strength and song, And He has become my salvation.
Genesis 49:18 NKJV I have waited for your salvation, O Lord!
Psalm 109
is even more rough than this psalm.
These types of psalms are called imprecatory psalms.
They speak of vengeance toward your enemies.
Consider reading our 109 page
and getting more insights.
Also - here are our forgiveness pages.
All our psalm pages - click here
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