Prayer for Unborn Babies

Inspirational prayer

for unborn babies

to welcome their arrival!

This Prayer Page is a page of



A new baby

brings new joys!


God thrills

in presenting new life to the world.

And we at Inspirational-Prayers

join in the


We celebrate with the family


with the friends of the family.

Prayer Blessings for a
Baby in the Womb

Heavenly Father,

You are the author of joy.  We praise you for the joy you are bringing into our life.

Lord, we give thanks for your gift of a newborn child.

We delight in this baby who is soon to arrive.

We welcome this child with love and excitement.

May this child always feel our love.

In Jesus' Name we pray,


Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of

Prayer for Pregnant Mothers

and their


Heavenly Father,

We give you praise for you are the Creator of this new little life.

We lift this tiny one up to you for protection. We ask for a heavenly covering over this baby so that no harm can come to him or her. We ask that you would supernaturally make right anything that needs healing in this little body before the delivery. We also ask for an easy and safe delivery.

We give you praise for this pregnancy and rejoice in your steadfast love.


Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of

Prayer for the Family

and their

new arrival

Loving Lord,

We lift up the family of this child. We ask that you would help them to fully receive your peace as they wait for their new arrival. Give each of them a desire to help raise this baby to know and honor you, Lord.

As this little one arrives and begins to grow, we pray that you would teach this family how to nurture this little child's physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual life.

Lord, may this little one grow up to love and serve you.

In Jesus' Name we pray,


Copyright © 2012 Beth McLendon of

Baby Shower Blessings

The following is a baby shower blessing
that you can include on a baby shower card.

Wishing you many joys of love

With your blessed little gift

of sugar and spice

From the Father above!

James 1:17

Copyright © 2012 Yolanda Kelly of

Other simple Baby Shower Blessings from Beth :

We warmly welcome this bouncing baby boy

A gift of God and a gift of joy.


Celebrating your little girl - so precious and sweet

Oh, what a beautiful heaven-sent treat!

Scripture to accompany

Prayer for Unborn Babies

"Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary:

praise him in the firmament of his power.

Praise him for his mighty acts:

praise him according to his excellent greatness."

Psalm 150:1-2 KJV

Every child deserves to be celebrated as he or she enters this life.

Let's join the heavenly party!

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This page contains prayer for unborn children
and baby shower prayer blessings.

Jump to the top of Prayer for Unborn

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