New Year Scripture Prayer

New Year Scripture Prayer

by Marshall Gupton

Scriptures written out below the prayer.


God of all beginnings,

and God of all middles and

endings as well,

We bow in your presence at the start of this new year

to recognize our need for you

and our dependence upon your loving care.

Everything good that has ever happened to us,

 - all the good fortune of our days - 

we owe to you.

Without you,

we would have been overwhelmed

by our difficulties,

by all the natural failures to which our flesh is prone.

Only by your grace through Jesus Christ

do we understand life as we do,

and value those things

that give structure and meaning to our existence.

Therefore, we pray for your guidance and help

in the year to come.

We know that the way to life and blessedness is narrow,

and that few there are

who truly find it.

Be our guide, O Lord,

through the temptations and trials of another year.

Help us to choose wisely in all our decisions.

Enable us to do justice, to love mercy, and

to walk humbly before you.

Show us how to love you with all our hearts,

and our neighbor as ourselves.

Make us doers of the word and not hearers only.

Let us learn to take up our crosses and follow him who died

on Calvary for the sins of the world.

Teach us not to worry about

what the other disciple is doing,

but to be faithful about what we have been given to do.

Help us to bring others to your kingdom

baptizing them and

teaching them in the name of your Son.

And grant that when the new year is ended,

we may hear you say,

“Well done, good and faithful servant.”

And now we pray the prayer

that will lead us into this new life.


Written in January 2008

Marshall Gupton died January 7, 2022

and this prayer was posted on his obituary.


Marshall Gupton Obituary

Continue Below for the

Scriptures from the Prayer

and another New Year Scripture Prayer

Scriptures from the Prayer

I (Beth) have taken the parts of the prayer that correspond to Scripture and put them together for you below.

Note: Some could be linked to more than one Scripture.

Matthew 7:13-14 is a verse for...

We know that the way to life and blessedness is narrow,

and that few there are

who truly find it.

Psalm 23 is one of the verses for... 

Be our guide, O Lord,

through the temptations and trials of another year.

James 1:5 is one of the verse for...

Help us to choose wisely in all our decisions.

Micah 6:8 is the verse for ...

Enable us to do justice, to love mercy, and

to walk humbly before you.

Luke 10:27 is the verse for ...

Show us how to love you with all our hearts,

and our neighbor as as ourselves.

James 1:22 is the verse for...

Make us doers of the word and not hearers only.

Luke 9:23 is the basis of...

Let us learn to take up our crosses and follow him who died

on Calvary for the sins of the world.

Philippians 4:6-7 is one of the verses for...

Teach us not to worry about

what the other disciple is doing,

but to be faithful about what we have been given to do.

Matthew 28:19-20 is the basis of...

Help us to bring others to your kingdom baptizing them and

teaching them in the name of your Son.

Matthew 25:23 is the location of the part in red...

And grant that when the new year is ended,

we may hear you say,

“Well done, good and faithful servant.”


Another New Year Scripture Prayer

but first

more Scriptures

New Year Scripture Prayer

Marshall’s favorite passages

as they were listed in his obit:

Psalm 23 “The Lord IS my Shepherd…”

Proverbs 3.5-6 “TRUST in the Lord with all your heart…”

Psalm 42.1-2 “…My soul THIRSTS for God…”

2 Timothy 1.12 “I KNOW whom I have believed…”

Micah 6.8 “…to ACT justly, to LOVE mercy, and to WALK humbly…”

Beth takes the Scriptures above

and prays...

Heavenly Father,

You are our Shepherd.

We are inspired by the verses listed above

and by the prayer of Reverend Gupton.

We will follow your Word and grow to trust you with our whole heart. 

We will stir up our heart to thirst for you more and more.

We will remember whom we have believed and follow you each day.

We will remind ourselves to
act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God.

In Jesus' name we pray,


For Scripture Prayer for your loved ones

click here

Jump to the top of New Year Scripture Prayer 

New Year Scripture Prayer first posted January 2022

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