National Day of Prayer 2017

The National Day of Prayer



Help our Country

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Prayer for our Country

Our Prayer

Almighty God,

You are God of heaven and earth.

We honor you today.

We come before you praying for our beloved country.

We have strayed far from your principles and from your plans for this country.

Help us to find our way back to your paths of righteousness.

We pray for our leaders. We pray that they will take a serious look at their personal integrity. We pray that they will become dissatisfied with any area, in their personal character, that is in rebellion to you.

Inspire them to be men and women of prayer.

Inspire them to passionately pray for wisdom.

Inspire them to be hungry for your guidance.

Inspire them to rise up with godly boldness and determination to be the best leader they are capable of being.

     Almighty God, we lift up to you the needs of our brave military men and women - those presently serving and our veterans. Draw our attention to their needs. Show us how to cooperate with you in meeting those needs.

Forgive us for - often - overlooking the needs of our nation's heroes. Forgive us for putting their health needs and their financial needs on the back burner.

Remind our leaders -  and remind each one of us  - to treat our veterans and our current military heroes with the honor, respect, and appreciation that they deserve.

     Almighty God, today we take this opportunity to re-dedicate ourselves to you. We want to spend our days walking before you in integrity and obedience.

We want to show love and respect toward you and toward each other.

Today, we dedicate ourselves to the goal of listening to your voice more closely.

     Almighty God, you have given us a great country.

We thank you for our freedom and our liberty.

We thank you for our beautiful land and for our natural resources.

And we thank you for giving us a nation

of men and women

with the capacity to work


to build a better future

through strong bonds of cooperation and unity.

In Jesus' name we pray,


Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of


Bless America.

Please, God, Bless America.


The National Day of Prayer 2017

This is a

Day of Reflection and Re-dedication.

Consider joining me in

echoing David's words:

Psalm 139:23-24 TLB

David said:

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test my thoughts.-

Point out  anything

you find in me

that makes you sad,

and lead me

along the path of everlasting life.

I urge you to consider:

When we are silent on moral issues

- issues that propel our country away from God -

our silence indicates agreement.


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This National Day of Prayer 2017 was posted in March 2017.

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