Daily Inspiration

Daily Inspirational Thoughts

to bless your life.


A Monday through Sunday devotional


A Daily Devotional

with your host Beth McLendon

This week's topic:  

A Sampler


teaching moments

from our website


Have a Problem?

Sometimes you just need a manual.


In 2021, I suggest we need an


~ ~

We have e-books.

We have e-commerce.


What we really need is an


Have you ever searched for a manual

to help you fix  a problem?

Even before looking for a manual,

the first place

we should look is to


Jesus is called "Emmanuel"

which means

"God with us."


Bless the Lord, O my soul.

Psalm 103:1a KJV


In Psalm 103, we are taught to say,

"Bless the Lord, O my soul."

My soul is my mind, my will, and my emotions.

To bless the Lord with my mind, I must think about God, read the Bible, and pray to God.

To bless the Lord with my will, I must be obedient to God.

To bless the Lord with my emotions, I must work on self-control. I need to stir up godly emotions and take control over ungodly emotions.  I need to be aware that many things can powerfully pull at my emotions.

The people I choose to be around,

The circumstances that I allow in my life, and

The entertainment that I choose

will greatly affect

My emotions,


My mind, and My will.


God wants us 

uncomfortable with sin.

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Reading God's Word

will make us uncomfortable with sin.

Do you want to be uncomfortable with sin?


My Morning Prayer today

Lord of all Creation,

You are worthy.

You are worthy of my time.

You are worthy of my attention.

You are worthy of my devotion.

I will live my life for you.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of Inspirational-Prayers.com


We can always "prove" that we are right,

but is the Lord convinced?

Proverbs 16:2 TLB

I memorized that scripture

many years ago,


many times remembering it

has kept me from wrong paths.


Many times

as I am talking with the Lord,

I realize that I am trying to

convince God

to see things my way.


I'm trying to prove that I'm right.

It is at that moment

that I realize that

my thoughts and my actions

need to change

to be pleasing to God.


Following God is supposed to be about

God convincing me,

not me

convincing God.


The thoughts below are

from a letter to the editor 


in a newspaper in Georgia

many years ago.

I cut the letter out and kept it,


I thought it made some important points.

I hope you consider this a worthwhile

and helpful 

for yourself

if - 

if you struggle with the concept

of a loving God allowing evil


perhaps for someone that you know -  

who is struggling

with his or her concept of a loving God.

The Title of the Article is

Fiend or Friend

Editor: I get it. Either God prevents all atrocity or he is a fiend.

But since he doesn’t cause these cruelties, he’s at least a benign fiend, right?

His actual fiendishness, then, is that he gave us free will, so that we are capable of bad acts.

And the flip side is that we’re also capable of good acts.

So he lets us grow if we choose, but fiendishly fails to provide constant intervention to make everything perfect, which would relegate us to the status of robot angels. Which, to some, would seem really fiendish.

I guess one man’s fiend is another man’s friend.

Robert Meyer, Alpharetta, Georgia


"I bless the holy name of God with all my heart.

Yes, I will bless the Lord and

not forget the glorious things

he does for me."

Psalm 103:1-2 TLB

Dear Lord,

You have done many glorious things for me. 

Thank you!

Today I will spend some quality time remembering the glorious things you have done for me.


Info on New Pages

Beth's Blog

Newest Page:

Prayers for Stepchildren

Daily Inspiration

Valentine Romance 


Valentine Fun for kids

Praying for Young Children

Daily Inspiration for 2025

New Page:

What is the Unpardonable sin?

NEW Page:

Prayers for Medical Tests

NEW Page:

Purgatory disproved

NEW Page:

Is Jesus the Jewish Messiah

A Page for Skeptical Jews


Updated Page:

Hebrew Language


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Bible Devotions
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Explaining How to Get to Heaven

Victory, Power Prayer

Overcoming Sabotage in your family

Increasing JOY


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Help for HOW to Forgive

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Opposites attract and then...




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Ecclesiastes Made Easy - Insights for Success in Life

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Understanding the Trinity

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Questions of Life

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Daily Inspiration: Worship & Prayer

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Secrets for Husbands

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Prayer for Men

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Life-changing prayer for fathers

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Prayer for Women

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The Truth about Evolution

Links to All our Full Armor of God Prayers

Psalm 133

an audio Presentation by Beth

Songs for Children for church and home

Prayer for my Adult Daughter

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Prayers for my Adult Son

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How to
Create a Great Relationship with Yourself

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MUSIC for adults

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Links to all our pages on the Psalms