Prayer request for a 6 year old boy with autism to speak and for family finances and new job opening

I am a mother of a child - a boy - who is 6 years old and has autism.

My husband and I have been praying for 6 years that our son will talk.

We are trusting and relying on his deliverance from not speaking and from not having autism anymore and we are asking for prayer and for many to join us in prayer for it to happen.

We're also praying for complete debit free and for God to open the door of jobs and great paying jobs to have a house for the kids and for establishment in the daily living and needs.

Comments for Prayer request for a 6 year old boy with autism to speak and for family finances and new job opening

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May 06, 2023
Same here
by: Anonymous

We also need prayer for our 5 year old almost 6 who is autistic. He also doesn't speak. He is in diapers . I will pray for you We are also struggling financially. You are not alone in this world

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