Pray for my fiance James

by Janice

I would like to ask for prayers for my fiance James. He has been in despair and weeping daily. James has a setback and now he is truly suffering in agony. He came from Canada to work in Singapore, but his Canada bank account was frozen since July. Because of his contract, he cannot go back to Canada too long and covid is preventing him from going back to Canada. Now he has no money to hire workers to complete his job. He is left with 10 days worth of job but the experts are not willing to work because of shortage of funds. Please pray that James can get help. He has not been sleeping. He is feeling that God is not responding to his cries for help. Please pray for him. Pray God will not be silent in this crisis. We wanted to do crowd funding but we do not have the contacts to help us. Please help to pray for miracle.

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