I want to get to know god but I am a 10 year old girl

by diana
(united kingdom)

I pray and pray to get to know god but nothing seems to work for me I know god will answer my prayer when he knows its the right time,my mum believes and prays to god but she doesent seem to want to know abouts god will I pray for my mum to but its not working like I said god takes his times to answer prayers and he answers at the right time but now I wish to repent I hope my mum repents I am addicted to disney channel its hard for me to stop watching it what should I do!!!
...Dear Diana, we are praying for you and encourage you to continue to talk to God. God loves you and he will guide you. In Matthew 19:14, Jesus says, "Let the little children come to me." When Jesus was growing up, the Bible says that he grew in wisdom and stature (stature means he grew taller). Diana, you too are growing in wisdom and growing taller. You are awesome!

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