Full Armor Prayer for 2020

Full Armor Prayer




Gaining Strength

from God

The Lord God is my strength.

Habakkuk 3:19

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Full Armor of God Prayers.

Full Armor Prayer for 2020

Father God,

Thank you for the Powerful Armor

that you give to us.

We come this day

to put on the

Belt of Truth.

Help us to read the Bible and to put

your truth

into action

in all we do today.

Help us to believe your truth

about you, about ourselves,

and about others.

  We put on the

Breastplate of Righteousness.

We are able to wear this breastplate

because Jesus took our sin

and gave us

His righteousness.

Lord, we will remind ourselves today

of the enormous price

Jesus paid

so that we could be

set free.

Jesus did not take sin lightly,

and we will not

take sin lightly,

but instead we will

try to obey and please you today.  

We put on the

Shoes of Peace.

Jesus told us that he gives us his peace.

Today help us not to feel

afraid or worried,

but instead

to feel

calm and content

as we move through our day.  

We put on the

Helmet of Salvation.

We thank you for our eternal salvation.

We thank you for

the saving power of Jesus Christ

that daily works

in our lives -

helping us to defeat bad and

helping us to put on the love of Christ.

We pick up the

Shield of Faith.

We have faith today that

you will protect us

from the plans of the devil.

Our shield is a shield of confidence

that you, God,

will take care of us.

We pick up the

Sword of the Spirit

which is the Word of God.

Lord, thank you that

in the Bible

you have given us words

that will change the world.

We want all our words

to please you.

Help us to use our mouth

to speak good things.

Father, as we leave this time of prayer,

we are going to be

Freshly Focused Followers

of Jesus Christ!


Copyright © 2020 Beth McLendon of Inspirational - Prayers.com

To Ruth

To Ruth

I thank my friend


for taking one of my

Armor Prayers

and adding her inspiration

so that we have a beautiful armor prayer

for 2020.  


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