Blessed by a Miracle from God

by Valarie
(Wichita, Ks/Nashville Tn)

My nephew was involved in a horrific motorcycle accident March 1st 2017.

He suffered a shattered pelvis, multiple hand fractures and a leg fracture that caused overwhelming blood loss before his first surgery to amputate the leg.

The 100 units of blood going in could not keep up with the blood loss. He was intubated and later received a tracheostomy. He has undergone 14 surgeries. A pelvis stabilizer bar was surgically attached to his pelvis, pins placed in his hand.

Family decided to keep his injuries private for his privacy sake. He was put on ECMO to add oxygen to his blood because the transfusions were not keeping oxygen level up in his blood.

Then things took a turn for the worst and his colon started dying, kidneys and liver started failing due to not enough oxygen in his blood...and he was made a DNR (do not resuscitate) because all the intervention meds that would be need in case of heart failure where already being used to the max. Essentially there was nothing more they could do if he had heart failure.

Family and friends decided prayer was the last hope for his recovery. Word of his accident was immediately put out to everyone asking for prayers. Within a few hours his health started to improve...there was hope for his recovery.

The doctors decided they could go in surgically and remove the dead colon tissue and give him a colostomy bag. In all he's had 14 plus surgeries and more to come. He's on kidney dialysis. Once request for God's intervention were prayed for he was improving rapidly. Praise God! All glory goes to God!

He now has problems with infection and now has pneumonia and is in great need of prayers as he continues to fight for his life. But he has overcome so much through the healing, grace and mercy of our God.

Please pray for Jon's healing and strength as well as his 10 year old daughter...for he is a single parent and soul provider for her. Bless you all and Praise God!

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Apr 23, 2017

by: Beth

My nephew was involved in a horrific motorcycle accident March 1st 2017.

He suffered a shattered pelvis, multiple hand fractures and a leg fracture that caused overwhelming blood loss before his first surgery to amputate the leg.

The 100 units of blood going in could not keep up with the blood loss. He was intubated and later received a tracheostomy. He has undergone 14 surgeries. A pelvis stabilizer bar was surgically attached to his pelvis, pins placed in his hand.

Family decided to keep his injuries private for his privacy sake. He was put on ECMO to add oxygen to his blood because the transfusions were not keeping oxygen level up in his blood.

Then things took a turn for the worst and his colon started dying, kidneys and liver started failing due to not enough oxygen in his blood...and he was made a DNR (do not resuscitate) because all the intervention meds that would be need in case of heart failure where already being used to the max. Essentially there was nothing more they could do if he had heart failure.

Family and friends decided prayer was the last hope for his recovery. Word of his accident was immediately put out to everyone asking for prayers.

Within a few hours his health started to improve...there was hope for his recovery.

The doctors decided they could go in surgically and remove the dead colon tissue and give him a colostomy bag. In all he's had 14 plus surgeries and more to come. He's on kidney dialysis.

Once request for God's intervention were prayed for he was improving rapidly. Praise God! All glory goes to God!

He now has problems with infection and now has pneumonia and is in great need of prayers as he continues to fight for his life. But he has overcome so much through the healing, grace and mercy of our God.

Please pray for Jon's healing and strength as well as his 10 year old daughter...for he is a single parent and soul provider for her. Bless you all and Praise God!

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