Amazing Prayers of Love

Amazing Prayers

of Love

for those we love

Prayers for Family and Friends

These prayers are written

for a male - please click here for a female.

Prayers of Love

Loving Heavenly Father,

I lift up _______ this day.

I pray that you would bless his day.

I pray that you would bring clarity to his mind, strength to his body, and calmness to his emotions.

I pray that you would send reminders of your love to him this day.

In the miraculous name of Jesus, I pray,


Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of

Heavenly Father,

I pray that _________ is greatly blessed

this day.

I pray that you will
 encouragement to him this day. 

I pray that you will 

your wisdom to him this day.

I pray that you will

your love to him this day.

In the miraculous name of Jesus, I pray, 

Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of

Love, Love, Love

Loving Lord,

I pray for ________.

You have a daily desire

to protect him, to comfort him, and to guide him.

I pray that today

he would be

 more aware

of your

 ever-present devotion to him.

In the miraculous name of Jesus, I pray,

Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of

Your steadfast love,

O Lord,

is as great as

all the heavens.

Your faithfulness reaches beyond

the clouds.

Psalm 36:5 TLB

Nightime Prayers

Loving Heavenly Father,

As I get ready for bed,

I pray for _______’s upcoming day.

I pray that he wakes up

with emotions of joy in his heart.

I pray that as he moves through his day,

 he will experience

 more of your


 in his mind and emotions.

I pray that you would protect him

in powerful ways this day.

I pray that you would remove

hindrances, obstacles, and stumbling blocks

 from before him.

I pray that you would inspire him

to be all that he can be this day.

May he end his day


loved by you and ready to receive your rest.

In the miraculous name of Jesus, I pray, 

Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of

Zephaniah 3:17

The LORD your God in the midst of you is mighty;
he will save.

God will rejoice over you with joy;

God will quiet you with his love,

God will rejoice over you with singing.

Bible Prayer

Praying Zephaniah 3:17

Loving Heavenly Father,

I pray for _______’s sleep and rest.

When night comes and the darkness outside draws him to bed, may he find deep rest and satisfying sleep.

Your word says in Zephaniah 3:17 that you sing over us. 

As he sleeps, may he somehow perceive that you are singing your love songs to him this night.

In the miraculous name of Jesus, I pray,


Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of



Loving Heavenly Father,

I pray for _________ this night.

I pray for your hand of love to cover him all night. I pray for your peace and refreshing rest to bless him this night.

I pray that you would hold him in your arms all night and that he will wake up feeling good.

In the miraculous name of Jesus, I pray, 

Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of

Morning Prayers

Loving Heavenly Father,

Your love and your compassion

for us

 is stirred up each day

 as we first put our feet on the floor.

Only you know the best way

for us to have a

great day.

It is your joy to help us

become the best we can be.

Help us, Lord, to hear your voice and understand your instructions.

We are your children.

We have a desire that resides in our heart

 that wants to feel comfortable with you.


Show us how to move

into a more

 contented and satisfying relationship

 with you.

Show us how to

walk with you each day

feeling accepted and loved by you.

Show us how to walk each day

growing stronger in obeying you.

In love we pray, 

Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of

Loving Heavenly Father,

I pray for your wisdom
 to come to ______
each time he faces
 a decision.

I pray for your encouragement
to come to ______
 each time he faces
 frustration, irritation or confusion.

I pray for your love and comfort
 to come to ______
 each time he feels 
lonely, sad, or afraid.

Smooth the path before him.

Teach him the secrets of your promises.

In the miraculous name of Jesus, I pray,


Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of

Loving Lord,

I pray for ________.

I pray that he will experience

more of your love,

more of your peace,

more of your strength,

and more of your encouragement.

In the miraculous name of Jesus, I pray, 

Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of


Loving Heavenly Father,

______ is the focus of your deep love. He is your precious child. You delight in him.

I pray that one day he will have a joyful understanding of the depth of your love for him.

In the miraculous name of Jesus, I pray, 

Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of

Bible Prayer

Praying Ephesians 3:18-19

Loving Heavenly Father,

May ______’s roots go down

deep into the soil of your marvelous love.

And may ______ be able to feel and understand

 how long, how wide, how deep, and how high

Your love for him

really is;

 and to understand that this love that you have for him

is so great

that he will never see the end of it


fully know or understand it.

Lord, may he yield to you so that one day he will be

 filled up with enjoyment with You.

In the miraculous name of Jesus, I pray,


Ephesians 3:17b -19 says:

May your roots go down deep

into the soil of God’s marvelous love;

 and may you be able to

feel and understand,

how long, how wide, how deep, and how high

his love really is;

and to experience this love for yourselves,

though it is so great that you will never see the end of it

 or fully know or understand it.

And so at last you will be filled up with God himself.

Loving Heavenly Father,

I come before you with _____ on my mind and heart.

I pray for myself and ______.

Father, your love beams down on us each day. Help us to be more aware of your love.

Lord, you are eager that we would find the secrets to your promises.

May we seek them and find them.

In the miraculous name of Jesus, I pray, 

Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of

Loving Heavenly Father,

Enable _______’s heart

 to receive

more of your love

this day.

I ask this in the name of my



Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of

Loving Lord,

I pray for _______.

I pray that you will

inspire him,

encourage him,

and empower him

so that

he is

happier than he has ever been.

May your goodness

bring spectacular blessings into his life.

In the miraculous name of Jesus, I pray, 

Copyright © 2019 Beth McLendon of

Loving Heavenly Father,

You are everything ______ needs.

Bless ______.

Be to him -  comfort.

Be to him - peace.

Be to him - inspiration.

Be to him - motivation.

Bless him this day – and this week –
and this month – and this year.

In the miraculous name of Jesus, I pray,


 Copyright © 2017 Beth McLendon of


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Amazing Prayers of Love was first presented

in October 2019.

These are Amazing Prayers of Love daily prayers.

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