Prayer for Sadness at Christmas

Prayer for

Sadness at Christmas

If you are sad at Christmas,

we hope this page will bring comfort to you.


There are

several prayers

on this page

that match various circumstances.

Many people deal with deep sadness

during the holidays.

Death, divorce, and distance

can keep us from the holidays

we long to experience.

Addictions, illness, and injury
can taint
the joy we want to feel.

Some people mourn that they never had a happy Christmas.

Whatever is causing you sadness,
we are praying for you.

We are lifting up prayer

for all those who visit this page.

You are not forgotten this Christmas.

Prayer for Sadness at Christmas:

Prayer for God's help

Dear Lord,

It is the Christmas season.

Everything is wrapped in red.

But I feel blue.

Help me, Lord.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of

Sad at Christmas

For those who haven't had a happy Christmas.

Almighty God,

Everywhere I go I see images of people having a happy Christmas with their family. 

Lord, you know I never had that kind of Christmas.

I feel so sad at this time of year.

Remind me that you love me. Remind me that you will one day heal every hurt in my heart.

Show me how to transcend my pain this Christmas season. 

Help me to find new joy in celebrating your birth and your love for me.

In the loving name of Jesus, I pray,


 Copyright © 2021 Beth McLendon of

Sad at Christmas

For those who had wonderful Christmas times

but those happy times are in the past.

Dear Lord,

My heart is crying out -
I want to go back
re-experience a Christmas
from long ago.

Death Separates

For many people,

death has separated them from loved ones.

Many people


to go back to a brighter Christmas

when the ones they love

were still sharing Christmas with them.

For some people,

Going Home for Christmas

means going back in time

to a Christmas long past.

Prayer for Sadness at Christmas:

A Christmas Yesteryear Prayer

Dear Lord,

Take me home for Christmas.

Draw me to yesteryear.

I long to visit that simpler time.

And hear old greetings of cheer.

So many of the ones I love.

Won't be celebrating down here.

Heaven is filled with the blessed souls,

That I long to see and hear.

Take me home for Christmas.

Draw me to yesteryear.

Refresh the faded memories.

And let the past seem near.

Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of


A sweet song for those who say

"Death Separates us at Christmas"



Many people


alone at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

And some people just 


alone at Thanksgiving and Christmas.

 Sharing a Prayer

for those who are

Sad at Christmas

Being Alone at Christmas

For Christians,
there is always some joy
sprinkled into the Christmas holiday.

Thinking about Jesus and his birth
is beautiful.

Yet even God himself said to Adam,
"It is not good for man to be alone."

Dear Lord,

Help each one who visits this page

as he or she faces

a Christmas that will have

many sad moments.


The next video is for those who are

Away from Home at Christmas

Here is Bing Crosby singing:

"I'll be home for Christmas -
if only in my Dreams"

Jesus - He is Emmanuel

For those who do not mind a secular song,

we include this one.

~ ~ ~

The lyrics uniquely describe

the sadness of being far away

from our hometown and our loved ones.

For our Military

Prayer for Sadness at Christmas:


for those Men and Women

serving their country

who are far away from home this Christmas.

Dear Lord,

I give thanks to you for our brave men and women in uniform.

I pray that you would comfort them during this Christmas season.

Lift them up above their circumstances and situations.

Refresh them and strengthen them as they seek to courageously serve their country.

Provide them with times of supernatural blessings to help them deal with the emotional pain of being far away from loved ones this Christmas.

Lord, surround their loved ones with a supernatural ability to deal with the empty chair at their holiday table. 

May each soldier and each loved one feel your loving arms around them bringing comfort during this Christmas season.


Copyright © 2014 Beth McLendon of

This prayer is taken from our page:

Christmas Prayer for Soldiers.

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