Prayer needed for mentally and verbally abusive relationship

by Josey
(Roseburg )

I need help.

The man I share a child with and have chose to allow to father my other three small children is a pathological liar and adulterer. He is verbally abusive to me and our children.

I have no job and no place to go. He denies me in front of his friends and co workers and lies to them about me. He does thing and says things to purposely hurt me and then laughs in my face.I am a Christian woman and he claims to be a believer.

Please pray for God to convict him, to give him a soft heart, to bring healing and reconciliation. He acts as if he hates me but wont just leave me. Instead tears my heart around. I've tried loving him unconditionally thru all the hurt and abusive behavior and it just seems to be getting worse.

My hearts desire is to be a wife. I just want to be loved back. I have so much love to offer. And the last thing I would ever do is hurt someone.

Please pray for me and my relationship. I need to know gods will for me here. I am trying to love this man with all my heart and its tearing me apart. I want him to quit the lies and be a good man for our children and myself.

Thank you and God bless you all

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